Mental Health

Both caregiver and Alzheimer’s patient can suffer from mental health issues. Here’s what you need to know to stay strong.

Improve your memory as you age

Improve your memory as you age


If you misplace your keys what is your first thought?

If you walk into a room and forget what you were looking for, what goes through your mind? What about if you are driving to your friend’s house, a place you have been several times in the past, and you suddenly feel lost and, despite looking around, do not find any familiar landmarks? Do you panic? Do you think you have Alzheimer’s disease? For most of us these brief lapses in memory are not signs of Alzheimer’s disease and we do not need to panic. BUT, as we age our memories do begin to diminish and there are some things that we can do to help sharpen them. This week’s guest, Rachel Goodman, neuropsychologist, helps us understand memory and offers insight on how to sharpen and improve it.

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Stephanie Erickson

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