
Feeling stressed? This meditation app is designed to help users take a mindful approach to several key areas in their lives, like stress, creativity, focus, anxiety and relationships. It’s available for both phones and computers for those will old-school cells.  Mindfulness has been proven to benefit both those with dementia and their caregivers.

The app offers a free 10-day trial, where users can learn meditation techniques. This feature is great for time-strapped caregivers, since it only requires 10 minutes per day. After the trial, you’ll need to subscribe. That’ll give you access to hours of simple and straightforward videos and audio meditation.

Bonus: Headspace features friendly little animations to guide you through your practice. They are extremely cute and fantastically non-clinical looking. Finally.

Man Therapy:  

If you’re looking to find some support, but can’t stand to read another webpage with sappy stock photos of a way-too-handsome guy looking into the sky, Man Therapy might be for you. The site offers an approach to mental well-being that is at once humorous and practical, and strives to convince users that there’s no shame in a man’s man looking for support.

Once at the site, "Dr. Rich Mahogany," a crass narrator with a mustache and a penchant for taxidermy animal heads, guides you through the resources available.

While much of the site is tongue-in-cheek, the supports it offers are helpful: a test to evaluate your own well-being, a list of activities that can be done at home to improve your mental health and  a tool to help you find support groups or therapists in your area, among others.

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Megan Jones

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