
Everyday tips to make your life less stressful and more enjoyable as a caregiver.

Veterans, PTSD and substance abuse

Veterans, PTSD and substance abuse


At least 20% of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans have PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) and many of those affected turn to drugs and alcohol to cope.

In addition, the physical stress of war and service can lead to physical injuries that require pain management, and that can unfortunately lead to substance misuse as well. This week’s guest, Allyson Bowers, a military caregiver for her husband who served in Iraq, discusses her own husband’s PTSD and substance abuse struggles. We explore how those with PTSD are fighting an uphill battle to obtain the resources and support they need from the system for which they served. For resources on this topic please visit the Military Caregiver Network or the Hidden Heroes FB Community.

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Stephanie Erickson

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