99-Year-Old Lady Makes A Dress A Day For Little Girls In Africa

99-Year-Old Lady Makes A Dress A Day For Little Girls In Africa


Meet Lillian Weber—a 99-year-old on a quest to make 1,000 dresses by 6 May 2015 for little girls in Africa.

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Working on a dress each day, Weber, who is also turning 100 next May, has already made more than 840 dresses so far. They are for Little Dresses for Africa, a Christian non-profit organization that provides relief aid to children in Africa.

“I have to be busy,” said Weber.

Linda Purcell, Weber’s daughter, said, “She personalizes them all. It’s not good enough that she just makes the dress. She has to put something on the front to make it look special, to give it her ‘mark’.”

Weber also said she would continue making more than 1,000 dresses if she’s able to.

Watch the video here.

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