
Alzheimer’s is called the ‘family disease.’ How to address the issues in your personal Alzheimer’s circle.

Diagnosis: To tell or not to tell …

Diagnosis: To tell or not to tell …

Telling your loved one about the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s can be one the worst moments in anyone’s married life.

Yet tens of thousands have gotten through the crisis. There may be anger, grief, and depression, but with support those in the early stages get on with the business of living.

Here is what Washington University in St. Louis has to say about the matter:

“When it comes to a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease, what you don’t know may not kill you, but knowing the truth as soon as possible appears to be the better approach — one that may improve the emotional well-being of both patients and their caregivers, suggests research from Washington University.”

Medical advances have made it possible to diagnose Alzheimer’s at very early stages, but a 2004 review of research found about half of all physicians were still reluctant to inform patients of an Alzheimer’s diagnosis.

However, there has been a significant shift in attitude in the past 10 years.

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