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Tips on Making Your Legacy Count

Tips on Making Your Legacy Count


I’ve heard about teachers who ask their students to write their own obituary.

It sounds kind of morbid, but when you think about it, it’s a great exercise of life reflection, goal achievement, identifying priorities and thinking about our legacy.  I’m not sure how many teenagers can really think about their future in this way, but what a fantastic exercise for all of us to do right now.  How would I write my obituary?  When I project far into the future, what do I want my family and others to say about me when I’m no longer here?  And am I doing what I need to do, right now, to make that happen?

Today’s guest, Frances Parker, hospice volunteer for nursing homes and author of the book Becoming Dead Right: A Hospice Volunteer in Urban Nursing Homes shares her insights on how we can live in order to die comfortably and content.

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Stephanie Erickson

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